Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The way things work...

Hey all,
Just a little update for you guys about updates!

Matt and I spoke and since it looks like we're actually getting hits we came to a sort of... structure for the blog. Of course, things are probably going to be changed/fudged, but here's the general layout:

During the week, Matt and I will each post at least once, usually just some kind of funny story about production, saying we hit a landmark, etc. Word-stuff.

Saturday nights will be the nights to look for, because that is when we will be posting the cool stuff. If we've got a trailer, it'll show up on a Saturday night. If no video, then definately some kind of media. Sound clips, pictures, music sample. All that stuff.

So! Now you know when to be looking out for stuff! I think this Saturday would be a good day to start checkin for big stuff! (I've got nothing now... but I'll think of something!)

On a little note, Matt and I are speaking to people about music now. I hope to know where the music will be coming from by next Thursday.

Until next time,


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