Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Bad news for you guys

So you know that thing I keep promising you guys? Well, it's locked away in my hard drive. I can't find the DAMN power cord for my Maxtor hard drive and thus I am unable to deliver it. Rest assured we have all Hammerfists looking into the situation in order to try and get our "SPECIAL PRESENT" for you guys. It's a damn shame, really.

Anyway, production is in full swing and I've begun to do clean-up on JJ's primary animations. Maybe in a future post we'll put up some comparison shots of what JJ give me, and what I put out. And I put out a lot. Of animation. Hopefully.

On the music front we have some very nice options so far, but we are still trying to see if we can get some orchestrated pieces. It's a big task to tackle (not to mention expensive), but we think that it would be worth it and fitting to the Hammerverse. So...if any of you know some discount orchestras that we can commission, feel free to drop us a line!

All that being said, this project is still tons of fun! JJ is really working his ass off and I need to catch up. Unfortunately I have other school obligations that keep me away from the lab more than I would like-not to mention it's nice to sleep in my own bed every once in a while and have a nice hot shower in the morning. Hope you guys are enjoying the updates and once again I apologize that our "SPECIAL SURPRISE" has been delayed so long.


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